Monday, April 13, 2015

Poems: In Honor of Moreen Fielden's 65th Birthday

The Promise

Mists of water, wooing tiny flying rainbows
As they hover nearby
Waiting for their chance for coolness
Spinning wings holding aloft
Ounces of hues, blues and greens
Quenching thirst, or freshening shower,
Either way, I anticipate their arrival
Relaying to me His incredible creation,
These miniature messengers.

Nests nearby or far away?
Only they know, as they visit
From their hiding place to nurture
Their hungers, or tiny beak cries,
Yearning for nectars, from flowers
Yearning for love, from hearts,
Finding solace in the quick-beating bosom
Of a parent, stilled by concern for the chick,
Gently shares the golden liquid, drawn from buds,
Carried from wild and cultivated blooms,
Brought finally home, to comfort the future,
These miniature messengers.

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

Damn Weeds

Wish just a simple hex would rid my garden
Of unwanted greenery, but I’ve forgotten
Even they think they have a right to live
But not among my beautiful flowers,
That I’ll never forgive!

Pull and dig those nasty roots
They’ll never come back, I’ll turn them to soot
A shot of spray, a helping hand
The soil’s clean, the best kind of land!

I deserve a rest, but they don’t, those pests,
Trying to make their homes in my yard.
Harumph, I say, never again
Will weeds harass my lovely garden.

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

Switching Roles

I sure
am glad
you like
to cook,
So I can water
(or read my book)

I’ll eat
The food
But let me scrub
It will clean my hands
From dirt and grub

If you
Weren’t here
I’d open the freezer
Defrost a meal
And watch televeeser
“Home and Garden”
(Nothing else, beg pardon)

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

Vacation Directions

Water too much
The plant will turn yellow
Don’t water enough
They’ll wilt in the meadow

But under the shade
They’ve found a respite
Despite the day’s heat
Protected from sun

Dehead if you can
Pinch the bud with your hand
But don’t pull too hard
If so, no Christmas card!

Here a little, there a lot
Check the moisture in each pot
Use your judgment, if  you are able,
Point that hose and spray, baby, spray.

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

Dirt Spangled Garden*

Oh, say can you see, my patio in early dawn
My round flowers in  pots aren’t they pretty, not brown?
Who-ose buds are all there, despite the bugs in the air
And the weeds they are bad – when they’re gone I’ll be glad.
See the one over there? I pulled it last night, I swear
Get my spade and my gloves, we’ll throw that rascal away
Oh, say, don’t get plastic or silk for inside the house
I like them live, you see, they look better on the table.

Oh, say, does that plant need more water or manure?
I’ll check my garden books then get right back to you.
Flowers, herbs in containers of all shapes and kinds
They’ve gone through heat, insects, and sharp squirrel teeth
To provide me with an eye pleasing scene,
It’s all worth the sweat, stiff back and, oh, my legs
Oh, say, let’s go shopping and buy some more plants
Cause I have some extra cash, and I know what I want.

*Sung to the tune of The Star Spangled Banner
(with apologies to Mr. Key)

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

Off With Their Heads!

Here she comes to pinch off my head
She says it’s not pretty because it looks dead
I cannot argue, she’s bigger than me
So perhaps I can ask a a bee!

She says I’ll grow better

But I’ll write her a letter

To explain my point of view
But I can’t hold a pen? Too true, too true.

Maybe That Man who lives with the lady
Could plead my case, but he looks pretty shady
I think he’d do the same, if he had a chance
So maybe I’ll just have to do my Dead Dance.

When she comes to pinch off my head
My screams and hollers will make her dread
The day she decided that having so few
Of the buds on my bush would look better to you.

You think so? Say more so I understand
Why my olds buds have to go in the can
More water for fewer, making them pretty?
I didn’t know. Well then, I’ll let her dehead me.

J.Stewart, in honor of Moreen’s Birthday
Saturday, October 6, 2001

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