October 25,2014
Ring Dreams
Can go in and out of dreams with something but what you take
in you can’t take out
Left for someone else to take
Kept seeing a ring, over and over
Getting closer every time
Finally reach it and try to remove it from the tree branch,
and unable to. If I brought a saw in I could cut down the beranch to get the
There are other peope who can do the same thing, going in
and out of dreams and bring things back
But there are people trapped in dreams who are unale to escape
Coma victims
I go in and help free people
Meet others who can help me free people
Can’t bring them back with me because they’re in their
dreams, too
People trapped in their dreams, sometimes good, sometimes
bad dreams
A good dream tastes like vanilla ice cream. A bad dream
tastes like bacon, smells good and who doesn’t like bacon, but then you get
caught in the dream and can’t get out
The ring saves me. I can talk to my ring
Can’t bring the ring back with me and so want to so I can
have it for next time.
Refuse to come out of the dream until everyone’s freed
Body hospitalized, but vital signs, shows my mind EKG at
Change currnt events?
Change the future?
Visit other peoples dreams
Description of dream, fuzzy around the edges, clear in the
Seeing people I know in my dreams
They are in a coma
People I don’t know and see them in the newspaper, have coma
Accident victims close to death see a light, opening to the
dream world
Dreams affected by what we do in real life
Love art, immersed in art, drawing, painting, I can see the
art in my dreams
I paint that art when I come out of my dreams
Stories are in there, and can write a story when I come out
of my dream
Hearing screaming, wake up screaming
Am able to bring the ring out, but no one can see it, but I
can feel it heavy on my hand, tightens and gets painful when near someomnhe
stuck in dreams
I’ll come back for you.
Homeless man sleeping
on a bench. He’s not asleep, he in a coma
People in comas make up their entire lives from thigns they find, outfit a house, get a college degree, buy a house, have children, and they want to stay
People in comas make up their entire lives from thigns they find, outfit a house, get a college degree, buy a house, have children, and they want to stay
Happier there than in real life
Picture of their real life
If you touch someone on the other side who is in a coma, you
can see their real life.
They don’t understand they can go back and be with real
things and have real love and people in your life.
How many people in comas acreoss the country, around the
What causes a coma?
Injured in dreams, pain in that part of my body
Meet people who also have the ring
Meet together, try to break everyoune out of coma
Someone in coma for three years, haeadlines the next day
You go to see them and they look at you, don’t I know you?
And you say a lot of peo[lpe say that because I look like a lot of people
He’s the one that can save everyone
He can keep the door
closed so no one can find pleasure on that side
They’re in comas so long becdause their lives are so hard,
or they are hiding, scared. Poor in real life, rich in dreams
Opposite of your life
Go into dreams of famous people
Choose whose dreams you go into ?
Like astral projection. Is there an occult following about
going into people’s dreams?
Steven king gets his ideas in dreams and brings them out.
Prolific writers, two years really creative, jasper johns,
ernest hemingway, slplatter painter, heroes, tapped into a certain circuit.
Murdereers and thieves, the opposite, learn how to murder,
who to murder. Courses about different ways to kill people.
Johann Brahms, flurry of creativity and then suddently
stops. Every night they’re in dreams and get ideas
People who don’t sleep…
When you take naps
Nod off at a concert.
What causes dreams
Turn o and off lights.
Dreamed a better life http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1230092/Rom-Houben-Patient-trapped-23-year-coma-conscious-along.html
Euthanasia for people in comas. Termination of life support.
People who died young http://www.forbes.com/sites/tompost/2011/12/19/30-under-30-greats-who-died-too-young/
Can do this when you come out of a coma, talent left to those
who suffered
Saved by dream soldiers
Where do dreams come from
What causes bad dreams
Awake and find sand in bed, dirt
Sweating after running from something in dream
Visit hosp rooms of coma victims and tell nurse or whoever
that he will come out o a coma in three days. It happens, but no on e can find
the buy who told the nurse that. Goes into other places afgter dreaming of the
person awakening. Visit nurse and tell her in a dream, or doctor, or parent.
Choose whose dreams you go into
Dream academy in real time?
Like x men gathered togethter to learn how to fight in
Class schedule:
When you don’t want to stop dream
When you want to go bck to the same place in your dreams
when you want out of a dream,
Sweet dreams
Do animals dream, what they dream about
Gods of dreams http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morpheus_(mythology)
quotes about dreams and dreaming
Chapter One
I had to take a saw into my dream to get the ring. I
dreamt of the ring a dozen times and in every dream I am a little dloser to
the ring, a gold ring with colored gems. But it’s on a tree branch so I know
the only way to get the ring is to cut the branch. That night I took a wood saw
to bed with me and during one dream I had the saw in my hand and was running to
the tree but when I arrived, the ring had disappeared. Or so I thought. I cut down the branch anyway and the ring
appeared. I put it on my hand and everything around me started spinning. When I
awoke, the saw wasn’t in the bed and the ring wasn’t on my finger.
It all started when I woke one night from a dream about playing
by the sand at the seashore. And I felt sand between my toes. It took me a
while until I figured out that I had been to the beach a few days ago and must
have left some sand in my bed. But a few nights later I found dirt at the
bottom of my bed under a sheet aftrer I’d dreamt of having a garden. Another
time I thought my sister was playing tricks and when I got out of bed there was
a squished tomato on the sheet, and on the back of my pjs. Another night I woke
up from a dream and smelled a campfire. My pjs smelled like smoke, the kind
that sits on you when you stand at an outdoor fire. In my dream
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