Monday, April 13, 2015

Poems: To Moreen Fielden, Mothers' Day 2009

Dirt Plus

Hand  with trowel plus
trowel with dirt plus
pot with flowers
equals a very dirty shirt

Hose with water plus
Water with plants plus
Plants with sun 
Equals very wet pants

Sun on head
covered by hat
can't keep the sweat away
Face all damp
No solution to that!

To Moreen from Jim
Mothers' Day 2009

Hummingbirds rest on the blooms as they
harvest nectar meant for their young ones
but first a flight through the mist of early morning
watering, perhaps gathering refreshment for 
those who await her return. 

Whir of tiny wings and invisible feathers
as the hummingbirds hover near flowers
that are inviting them to share in the spring bounty
urging them to enjoy their sweetness.

Blues, greens and yellows blur together
and when you listen carefully (hush)
one can hear the wings flutter
like a small fan.

Up, down, sideways, 
nothing can stop the sweet adventure
as the hummingbird 
darts back to the hidden nest
and waiting family

To Moreen from Jim
Mothers' Day 2009

Out of the Way! We are Important!

Penny and Misty, have a tale to tell 
about their high adventures
as they think they can smell
other dogs, even children, 
they don't dare let them pass
in hope that their barking
will make the moment last.

Down the ramp run these Corgis, as loud as can be,
stopped by the gate they still bark earnestly
Impatient with how slow we are to respond
Come on, they shout, make haste, make haste
Lest they miss sniffing a pooch
or greeting the FedEx truck...what a waste!

Their day's not complete 'til they see Mary Jo,
they'll bark to ensure our movement's not slow
“Let us out of the house to meet our fair maiden!”
they demand as they race for their white picket fence
to see her deliver the latest of letters, the more often the better

Let us chase what we see, if the other agrees 
on a cause for this race there must be something to see!
through back door and deck, they run like the dickens
aren't you glad we don't live in a farm full of chickens?

To Moreen from Jim
Mothers' Day 2009
Our Gardener Who Makes Pretty

Powered by croissants, tea, and berries aplenty
our intrepid dear gardener is ready to shoo away
the next squirrel she sees with an eye to bite down
on her new tomatoes she wants to harvest, still round.

Her agenda is set, leaving the weeds for when she can get
up the embankment to pull at those roots
(nothing will stop her in her rubber garden boots!)
but today she is planting to fill in some bare spots
shoring up what is pretty, despite the day getting hot.

Digging the hole, deciding the depth,
She's busy making sure the plant gets great health
when she leaves it to blossom and grow
in her garden, so lovely, her garden to show. 

To Moreen from Jim

Mothers' Day 2009

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